Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wizard of Aw's

Working night clinicals at the hospital is kinda awesome but also kinda awful. Awesome because you get to do stuff that you never would during the day. Awful because it throws off your whole sleep schedule. Hence, it is 2:30 AM and I'm wide awake pondering many random thoughts...

Maybe it's because I don't live in CougarTown any more, but apparently I was living under a rock and didn't realize that BYU basketball was 20-1 and ranked in the top 15. Way to go Cougs. (P.S. Did you know that Brigham Young University is the whitest college in the nation with at least 15,000 students? Interesting factoid...)

If you want an easy way to donate money to Haiti, you can simply text "Give" to 864233 (UNICEF). It is an automatic $5 donation and will just be tacked onto your phone bill, no extra charge. You can do it multiple times and 100% of the funds go to Haiti, not your phone company.

I hate shopping for clothes (ski/technical-type jackets not included in this statement), but I take great pleasure in grocery shopping. I generally allow myself one "splurge" item a week. Here's this week's delicious take home:
I've been doing some Sundancing this week, seeing as the Festival is going on and all. My favorite parts about the Sundance Film Festival are that I get to call movies "films" for a change, wear a black down coat (mandatory uniform if you want to cruise on Main Street in Park City), pretend that I live in a snowy-mountainous-Hollywood, and point out how cool I am several months later when the movies finally get widely-released to the general public. It's like saying you were into a band like "Vampire Weekend" way before they ever got popular. The films can be pretty hit or miss but I've been lucky enough to see some great ones the last few years. Some of my faves to check out: "The Visitor," and "Amreeka." This year we saw, "The Pat Tillman Story."

If the Dodgers had unlimited funds, and if these players were free agents, I would LOVE to sign the following guys: Ryan Howard, Matt Holliday, and Tim Lincecum. I know we don't need a first baseman or a left fielder but you can never have too many young pitching aces. I like these three and hate to see them continuing to play for NL teams that I vehemently oppose (actually the Cards are alright, but the Phillies and Giants should die a slow death).

Like him or not, President Obama is a pretty darn hard worker and a compelling speaker. Maybe he did take on too much in his first year of office, but when I listened to the State of the Union this week, I was overwhelmed with a feeling that he is busting his tail for this country and that he sincerely cares. Uh-oh, I've just gone and made this blog political... I'd better lighten the moment by including this ridiculous Obamicon of myself:


  1. Muffin Tops are the greatest cereal of all time, I did like "Vampire Weekend" before they were popular, and The Giants > The Dodgers.

  2. HOw much do I love reading your blog? Words cannot say. It so good to read what is going through your thoughts. Loved the coat shopping comment, for I am the same! All my savings go to winter coats. By the way I have a big puffy down jacket - so next time can I go to the film festival with you? :)

  3. haha! jeremy, i dub thee the best comment-leaver of the week on this blog.

  4. Great 2 am thoughts. What a treat! There's a muffin top cereal!!! How have I not heard of those!?!?! I must have some!
