Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's wrong with this picture???

I LOVE the Wasatch Mountains. And I like In-n-out, but these are two things i never thought would come together. On Thursday, two Utah In-n-out franchises opened: the one above in Orem, and another in Draper. Two more will open in the next couple of weeks: American Fork and West Jordan. As you can imagine, these burger places have turned the whole area into complete pandemonium. Mormon moms and BYU students abound have lined up for hours just to get inside and order a burger. I took this picture 3 days before the store actually opened, and it was already swarming with people anticipating the grand opening. People spent the night in their cars in the drive through line! Crazy. I sincerely like In-n-out but i think it's a tad overrated and definitely overhyped. I don't want to go anywhere near these stores right now. Maybe in a few months I'll try to stop in and eat there, but certainly not any time soon! I'll leave you with this quote from my dear brother Andrew: "There are lots of women in Utah that have been waiting their whole lives for a day this epic- New Moon and In N Out open!!"


  1. I really like In-N-Out, but I won't wait for hours to eat it. Some people are just crazy. I foresee the same thing happening when Cafe Rio opens in southern California.

  2. oh my gosh, hi! i was hoping that it was you when i saw the comment from kristina. :) i'm so glad you have a blog. and i love this post, haha...craziness in utah at in-n-out...i can only imagine...
    but, regarding the above comment, i would totally swarm a cafe rio if one opened here in sf. does that make me hypocritical?
