Monday, September 20, 2010

welcome back kotter

I know, I know, it's been far too long. BUT, if you'd been having as much fun as I've been having you wouldn't have blogged either. And after all, the best time to blog is when I should be doing homework, so now is the perfect time since I'm back in school! Where to start? Should I back date all of my summer material and do a bajillion blogs for all of my river and travel adventures? Or shall I just start from today going forward? You tell me blog readers, if anyone is even still reading this (you've probably all given up on me)... Anyways, for now, here is a random smattering of pics. These pretty much tell you all you need to know.

Ducky-ing the Daily with Monte & Emilie, Moab.

Having WAY too much fun w/ Grace at the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon.
the loneliest little century plant in all of Grand Canyon

My favorite new pretty unnamed beach Grand Canyon mile 140ish?

Being dorky at Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon

View from the Dollhouse, Cataract Canyon, UT

Quick back-cooler snack on the S-rig (yes, fried chicken)

Rope swing in Moab

Nankoweep Granaries, Grand Canyon


  1. I'm still reading! Love the pictures, especially your header. Please take me and Skyler to Havasupi next summer.

  2. You have such a cool life. I say start from here and go forward, but when you're out of current topics, give us a summer flash back of something funny, or neat or beautiful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I found a bunch of your tags on Facebook over these past few months. Both you and Eric have provided me with a vicarious adventure-filled summer! I like Sasha's suggestion for the future.

    You and I have Havasu Creek in common, though it has been a few years since I was there. I came from the top down, and noticed the raft tours floating in and moving on. The Colorado was scary to me at that junction. The creek was far more user-friendly.
