Tuesday, September 21, 2010

another vacation?

Q: What does an unemployed girl who is only taking 8 credits do with all her free time?

A: Take a bunch of trips, I guess.

I will be seeing all of the following this weekend:

Yes, that's correct, I will be going to Michigan to visit Heidizzle and Cameron. What makes this trip that much sweeter is that I will be adding 3 more major league ballparks to my list of those visited. We're going to a Tigers game in Detroit, a Blue Jays game in Toronto, and an Indians game in Cleveland. Nice. Anybody have any travel tips/recommendations for any of those cities?? Particularly Detroit?? Particularly if they involve delicious places to eat?


  1. Kristina, who do you think you are coming to visit? We have the delicious places to eat covered, particularly in our backyard! By the way, we're so excited for you to come!!

  2. See Simon about the ball parks. He knows them all.

    BTW, we have a short layover in Toronto on the 12th of October (AKA "Columbus Day" & "Día de la Raza"). We of the Clovis Hill Tribe have really become a traveling family!

  3. Tell Heidi hi. And Cameron. Glad you're back B. I had given up on you. Good thing I checked your blog. And the reason why is HILARIOUS. Read my next comment to find out why
