Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Greatest Challenge

This morning I woke up to the following scene in my kitchen:

Apparently my roommate had a cookie-baking extravaganza last night and left these delicious morsels to tempt me. I would normally indulge and not think twice, however, this same roommate had left a pan of brownies out earlier in the week, telling me that I was "welcome to have some." She just recently moved in and is obviously not savvy to my eating capabilities; the pan was gone in a day and half, and I personally accounted for 85% of the damage done to said brownies. I felt rather guilty.

SO. You can imagine my moral dilemma upon finding this delightful assortment of baked goods today, without receiving an open invitation to partake. I examined the plate of decorated sugar cookies for a good five minutes, carefully trying to determine which could be extracted from the plate without being noticed.

Has she counted the cookies?
Is she particularly attached to a certain color?
Just how delicious ARE they?
Will the concentric circles on the plate be askew if I take one?

These questions, and many more, raced through my voracious brain as I grasped desperately to devise a plot clever enough for me to savor a single (or perhaps two) cookie(s). After realizing that further time spent scheming was going to make me late to work, I put my tail between my legs, admitted defeat, and left the house EXTREMELY unsatisfied.

Returning home several hours later I found the same cookies, which had some how become even more delicious-looking in my absence. Through the miracles of frosting and sweets, their enticement had increased at an exponential rate, defying all logic. Again I scrutinized the plates of goodies, but gave up after only a few minutes. I approached this problem from every angle imaginable, but sadly it just did not seem possible.

My roommate is still not home, there is still no offer of delicious sugar or oatmeal raisin cookies, and my tummy remains devoid and denied of treats: this may be the hardest thing I've ever had to [not] do.

P.S. The photo of the Prophet was not planted; however its placement, combined with the location of the cookies, does seem very ironic...


  1. If trying to hold back on delicious morsels is your biggest challenge, you are one lucky chick!

  2. my friend just dropped me off from our "weekend trip" we were sitting out in the car talking and (about something very serious i might add) and in my head I was thinking of those cookies and wondering if when I walked in they would be open to eat...sadly no one is home and the cookies with the exception of the oatmeal rasin ones, are gone. Someone had a taste of heaven and it was not us.

  3. Hahahaha, you've changed! By the way--picture of the Prophet keeping watch or not--I still would have eaten a cookie, especially one of the oatmeal raisin ones (they are stacked on top of each other; you were totally in the clear).

  4. uh....I need to print a retraction. No one was home because our dear roommate was out passing out her cookies in cute little bags with other candies. Then she came home and gave me a bag. It WAS heaven and totally worth the wait. I'm pretty sure you'll be getting some too!!! HURRY HOME

  5. You give me hope that I can also "not" do things! Isn't it so hard sometimes!! :)

  6. I absolutely LOVED reading this. And it took me back to a day when some sort of chicken enchilada burritos were tempting me in the trailer. Never lose faith in your abilities to obtain what you truly desire. :)

  7. this reminds me of some cream-cheese brownie and oatmeal cream pie (Costco size box!) incidents in the corner house. it's because of you that if i ever bake anything for someone else- i make sure that there's enough for clay or anyone else who's over. it's too cruel not to.

  8. Exercising restraint over food? Who are you and what have you done with our Kristina?

  9. i made cameron pause his unlv game so that i could read this to him. oh how i miss you and your fatty moments...

  10. Please come to my house and help me finish eating these chocolate chip cookies I made. Thank you.
