Tuesday, October 19, 2010

'Tis good to be back in the Wasatch

After consuming half a gallon of milk last night (**sidenote: I'm lactose intolerant), and waking up with the most heinous food hangover ever, I decided there's no better way to cheer myself up (and procrastinate homework) than to post some cool images from the last few weeks of awesome-Autumn-Wasatch-ness.

Moose up AF Canyon

Cool cracks in the sediment; evidence of higher water days at Silver Lake.

I finally hiked Lone Peak, one of the coolest mountains in the area; Just look how excited I was!

Apparently my buddy, Mark, was pretty excited too! (Twin Peaks and Uintas way off in the distance)

Just hanging out in the cirque

On the way back down, my friend's brother proposed to his girlfriend, no one knew what was going on, kind of crazy! It was a super cool thing to witness.

Tibble Fork of AF Canyon, glowing with aspen

Camille and I finally toured Timpanogos Cave National Monument. We now feel like legit Utah County residents.
Sam and I backpacked into Pittsburgh Lake...

...you could see into Mineral Basin! That's the top of the Snowbird tram hidden amidst the clouds.

Unidentified hottie carrying my massive pack.
Ok, so I know this is a weird shot, but I don't have any biking photos from the last couple of months (it's not exactly handy to stick a camera in my jersey), so instead I'll just show off the mechanism that added to some great rides: shiny new cleats (my old ones were hashed beyond recognition). The cycling weather has been prime!

After being in red rock desert all summer long, it's so nice to be back in/near the mountains. Alpine beauty is truly something to behold and as much fun as I have during the summer months, I really begin to crave these landscapes. Extra special treat this year with the rainstorms we had last week: the colors seemed to prolong and the precip brought on a new crop of green vegetation, making for a lovely mix with the already changing leaves! I fear this week is the beginning of the end: temps are cooling down and school is heating up (big time) for me. Glad I got it in while I could!


  1. That's a good sign that your cleats were thrashed, that must mean you're riding a lot. I would love to bike in Utah sometime.

  2. gees, its about time you posted. hi stranger i'm glad to see you have been having a blast. Super jealous! Can I go on a hike with you sometime?
